Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society
Our mission is to improve the lives of equines by educating and helping owners, assisting law enforcement agencies, rehabilitating abused and neglected equines, and placing them into safe, permanent homes.
BEHS strives to achieve our mission by building a welcoming, transparent environment.
Core Values
1. Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society’s primarily acquisition focus is assisting law enforcement. This includes receiving neglect complaints, investigating neglect complaints, working with law enforcement agencies to educate owners about proper horse care when possible and assisting law enforcement agencies in removing neglected/abused/abandoned/estray horses when necessary. Taking in donated horses is always secondary to taking in horses from law enforcement cases.
2. Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society works through a foster home network. Although the organization may have a facility in the future, the organization will always maintain a robust foster home network. Horses in foster homes get more hands on/one-on-one care than those in a large facility.
3. Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society recognizes and appreciates the contribution of the many volunteers that make up the organization. Recruitment, retention, and recognition of volunteers will always be important to BEHS.
4. Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society will not participate in lobbying or legislative efforts or endorse any candidate for public office.
5. Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society does not permit the breeding of any equine involved in the organization. All horses and other equines adopted from BEHS are castrated if male or adopted out with no-breeding contracts if female.
6. Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society strives to provide protection and support to the horses in our program for life. We do this by always taking horses back in if their adopters can no longer care for them, by following up with foster and adopters homes to make sure horses are getting proper care, and providing education to adopters and foster homes as needed.
7. Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society strives to strike a balance between the quantity of rescues and the quality of each rescue. This means that we have a financial limit for veterinary care and training funds spent on each horse.
8. Horses who are injured and/or ill and cannot be rehabilitated within the confines of the financial limits policy and those who are deemed dangerous following the dangerous horse policy will be humanely euthanized.